Word has it that the Playboy Channel has gone soft.
And I mean that literally, not the way you think I mean it.
The channel, which has catered to men's interests for years, is starting to soften up a bit. It is trying to attract female viewers with a mix of very soft core "reality shows" that not only are geared to women, but more geared to women watching with their husbands or boyfriends.
Earlier this month, the channel began to show "TV For 2" programming, and recently debuted something called "Brooklyn Kinda Love," showing the relationships of several young couples who live in Brooklyn.
Evidently, they have several other series geared to women planned for the channel as it morphs from an all-male channel to one where men and their mates can watch together without cringing or getting turned off.
I don't know what the male watchers of this channel will have to say about this change in programming, but it tells me that the channel has gone off the deep end.
Sure, women read the magazine, but Playboy Channel is much more explicit than its print counterpart. Many things are shown on this channel, in original shows and XX-movies (no, that isn't shown), that will never, ever find its way into the publication.
I guess what Playboy Channel is trying to do is to strike a creative balance while expanding its audience.
Boring, boring!
This is a pay channel, mind you, so if you want this channel, you have to shell out the bucks for it.
So, I guess, if you want this type of programming, you give it your thumb's up by paying for it.
I just find this whole thing interesting. Why are they playing with the format now? Are they preparing for the time when Hugh Hefner is no longer with us, and both the magazine and channel will totally get away from his original vision?
I'll bet you that's the reason, and he probably knows it.
All the while, the guy is getting married to a woman who is 60 years younger than he is.
What can I say? The "Playboy" in all of us lives on!
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