Monday, September 6, 2010

Rant #327: The Dupe of Earl and the Day I Labor

Well, Hurricane Earl came and went pretty quickly. It really didn't do much in my neck of the woods, although about 10 miles away or so, Jones Beach got hit pretty heavily by the storm.

Otherwise, Earl came in like a lamb, and left without a whimper.


Now onto today.

Today is Labor Day. Have a nice holiday.

As for me, I labor on Labor Day. Yes, I am working today. And that is after working on Saturday for a couple of hours.

Why I am working is a story unto itself.

The company I work for, and the publication I am an associate editor for, puts out its big issue in November. It is a couple of hundred pages, and needs intense work to be done on it, more than any other book during the year.

I have been working on the 2010 edition for the past three months, if not more, but now, everything is due, and myself and my two cohorts on this issue--the managing editor and the senior editor--are also bearing the same workload I am.

And sure, I have received a bonus or two over the past year, but I haven't had a raise in more than three years. It will be four years in March.

Obviously, I am tickled pink to be here today. It's just the three of us, perhaps someone from our production staff, and maybe one or two of the higher ups. That's it.

Sure, I get a day to compensate for me not being off today. Big deal. I use it in exchange for the first day of Rosh Hashanah, and let me tell you, I would rather be at work that day than in synagogue.

For me, it's torture, but I do go. My wife has to work that day, but she will be off on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the day that I can't work because I can't eat. No eat, no work.

So here I am, as bitter as hell that I have to work today, but once I get through today, it will seem like a distant memory.

But right now, I would rather be in bed.

Who ever heard of laboring on Labor Day?

Heck, I've worked about 13 of the last 15 Labor Days, so for me, it's my day to be bitter just about every year.

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